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22 Septembre 2022

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Prénom : Codelili30
Sexe : Homme
Situation : En couple, sans enfant
Date de naissance : 04 Avr 1927 (97 ans)
Localisation : Proche Auxerre

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scrap baler machine is used for recycling applications. It is generally a hydraulic press that compacts materials into a dense package of a specific size. The compacted materials are then held together with wire, twine, or strapping.


Balers are used to compress recyclable and waste materials into small, manageable bales. Balers especially scrap metal baler machine are used in many industries such as manufacturing, schools, retail outlets, recycling facilities, and other businesses. Materials such as cardboard, textiles, foam, plastics, cans and bottles are compressed in a baler like vertical baler machine and then baled for transport to a garbage or recycling facility. Any situation where there is a need for a baler or compactor that is small, easy to operate, produces very small bales that are light weight and easy to handle. Basically these are machines that have refrigerator style doors with push button type controls that have a mix of features found on both balers and compactors.


Balers are used for the following reasons:

Reduce the volume of material handling and more efficient shipping

Savings from avoiding disposal of materials

Generate revenue from the sale of baled materials

Meet or exceed industry specifications to maximize product value

Balers minimize the amount of time spent managing materials, require less space for recycling bins, and increase the number of materials your business can recycle, therefore reducing waste disposal costs.


How Do Balers Work?

Balers have a steel frame that supports a hydraulic ram powered by an electric motor-driven pump. Hydraulic oil is then pumped under pressure to the cylinder and moves the plunger (ram) against the material that is being baled. The material is packed into a dense block (bale) in the bale chamber. Once it is made, it is tied by hand or mechanically and ejected from the baler.


Baler Vs Compactor: Which Is Right For My Business?

The main similarity between a baler and compactor is they both reduce the volume of materials through a compression process. The most significant difference between them is that they process different materials. Understanding your business’s needs and the types of materials you generate will give you an idea of what is best for you.


On the other hand, businesses use compactors that generate significant amounts of waste, and it will be transported to a landfill or processing facility. Balers are best suited for recyclable materials (cardboard, paper, plastic, and metal). Balers come in various sizes, including vertical balers, horizontal balers, and more.


For the packaging and recycling of metal, you may need other machine to work in connection with balers, such as metal briquetting machinehydraulic shearing machinehydraulic press brakehydraulic guillotine shearcable wire recycling machinemetal shavings crusher and so on.

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