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How To Use A Quilting Presser Foot


If you are a beginner and eager to make your first quilting project, the first thing you need to do is not finding a beautiful pattern but to learn how to use the walking foot to stitch-in-the-ditch. This method is exactly what it sounds like, you sew in the ditch, made by the seam allowances.


Install The Walking Foot

Install the walking foot


What you need for this technique is a walking foot and the best sewing machine for beginners , to make sure that the machine can cope with sewing layers of the quilt later.

To use the walking foot, remove the one on the machine and snap this new one on. Ensure that the arm is placed on the screw that is in charge of holding the needle.


Check The Setting

Check to make sure that the machine is at the straight stitch function. You can either use the same stitch length or increase it. However, remember to adjust the tension accordingly if you decide to change the stitch length.


Start Stitching

Make up your mind about what kind of seam to use on the top and put the quilt sandwich under the foot. Lower the foot.

Use your finger to find the “ditch”. Find the side that was pressed. When you do, look at the opposite side; that is where the ditch is. You want the needle to fall right on the line you have just found. Now start sewing, but remember to go slowly at first.

If the sewing machine lets you change the speed, that is great, you get to control how fast you want to go. Here are some models that allow you to take control of this feature Top Picks Of The Best Starter Sewing Machine For Beginners Under $200 which can help you a lot.


Finish The Row

Stitch in the dit


Keep stitching all the way to the end. Stay focus at this stage to make sure the needle stitch where you want it to. When you reach the final point, cut the thread and lift the presser foot and you have a new line created by stitching in the ditch.


Add More Stitch Lines If You Feel Needed

Once you have finished the quilting in all ditches, the top of the project should be done by now. However, to be extra careful and make sure the quilt can last, check the batting instruction to see their recommendations.

In case the lines are too far away to hold the whole thing, consider adding new lines to strengthen the piece. This happens a lot when your quilt is made up of large pieces. The lines fade in the top anyway so you do not have to worry about the effect it may have on the appearance.

This technique is useful for both beginners and experienced quilters. I find it especially handy for design with large prints or patterns that call for small pieces. The lines you make will not be too revealing but still can hold your quilting project.


So in short, this technique is easy to do and requires only a walking foot and a competent machine. Even when you have the best inexpensive sewing machine for beginners , you can also make quilts using these techniques.

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